Driving in France

General information about driving in France. Here are regrouped articles abouot France and driving in this beautiful country. Police, speed cameras, speed limits, fine, petrol station, highways, jams... all you need to know is available in one of the following articles. Driving in France is not a science, nor an art. Yet it can be made easier by a bit of reading.

Driving in France

France is a big country in the middle of Europe. Whether you come to France by air and plan to rent a car there, or plan to drive through the country from your home to your vacation place, say from the UK to Spain, or whether you plan to drive from your country to your vacation place in France, say from Germany to Perpignan, you are likely to experience driving in France.

French Highways

France is well covered by an extensive network of highways linking most main cities. It is more than 7000 kilometers (4000 miles) long. The network is very dense around Paris and gets somewhat less dense at the edge of the country, especially in Brittany. It is of course connected to the highway system of adjacent countries. It is complemented by a network of free dual carriageway roads.

Driving licence to drive in France

If you are a citizen of any country of the European Comunity (EC, including the European Union, EU) : you can drive in France with your foreign licence.

If you are not a citizen of an European Community country, you can drive in France with your licence provided that : your national driving licence is valid and up to date, written in french or with an official translation, or you hold an international driving licence.

Driving in France

Driving in France is not really different from driving in most other countries. French drivers may be a bit more law-abiding than drivers from southern Europe, and a bit less than drivers from northern Europe, but overall, there is no big difference. Except of course for you people coming from the UK (or Australia etc), as the driving usually takes place on the right part of the road!