Speed radars

Speed radars in France : under this tag you will find an array of relevant articles about speed cameras in France. Lists, positions, advice, tips, stories. You name it. Now you try and find it.

Speed camera network

Built in the year 2004 and onwards, this network of around one thousand automatic speed cameras has achieved the desired goal : reduce average speed in France. With the consequence of less deaths on the roads, and more fines being delivered to french drivers. New and improved speed cameras are installed monthly, the current official limit being two thousand speed cameras in service.

Speed cameras in Paris area

This is the list of all automatic speed cameras in Paris and Ile de France area (Essonne, Hauts-de-Seine, Seine-et-Marne, Seine-Saint-Denis, Val-d'Oise, Val-de-Marne, Paris and Yvelines). See below for a detailed map and explanations.

Hope you enjoy your stay in Paris Versailles or any such places!